JAMB 2020 Mock Updates To Help Candidates In The Main Exam

We believe this will help you prepare adequately for the main exam which comes up on March 14th.

We advise all candidates to go through these important points and updates to help them know what is expected of them during the main exam.

For a good understanding, we have grouped the points into sub-topics as follows;

The Time And Number of Questions: Candidates are to answer 180 questions within 2 hours. There will be 60 questions in English Language, and 40 each in the other 3 subjects. You are expected to answer all questions in the 4 subjects within 2 hours.

Rough Sheet: For those that will need plain sheet for rough calculations, we learnt that in some centres, plain sheet were actually provided for candidates and they were allowed to go in with pencils. Though some candidates said they were not allowed to do this in their centres. However, we advise candidates to go to the exam with pencil and photocopies of their exam print out so they can use it for rough calculations in case JAMB fails to make such provision.

JAMB Past Questions: Many candidates confessed that they came across many past questions during the mock exam and it will likely be the same during the main exam. So we advised candidates to use the remaining days before the exam to study more JAMB Past questions. Therefore, to prepare effectively for Jamb CBT, Use Jamboss CBT practice App. It is free and offline. Click Here to download it.

The On-screen calculator: For candidates who will need calculator, you will not be allowed to enter the hall with any calculator. However, there will be a Calculator on the Computer Screen of every candidate. You will find the calculator at the top right hand side of the computer. We will make a post on how to use the calculator before the exam.

CCTV Cameras: There were CCTV Cameras in the hall during the mock  exam. And it will be the same during the exam. The candidates shouldn’t be deceived. The CCTV Cameras were working. Don’t do anything that will incriminate you in any way. Please note that JAMB is serious about the prohibited items. So ensure you do not go into the hall with such items.

There May Be A Little Delay: Just like it happened during the mock exam, the main exam may start a bit later than was stated on your exam slip. Candidates are expected to be at the venue at least 30 minutes before the time on their exam slip. But just to be in good shape even if there happens to be a little delay, we advise candidates to eat well before going and ensure they go with some cash.

To prepare effectively for Jamb CBT, Use Jamboss CBT practice App. It is free and offline. Click Here to download it.

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